How To Enjoy Cricket Game With LED Lighting

Cricket is a British game that has been a dominant sport in its former colonies. It is played all over the world, in countries like South Africa, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. The International Cricket Cup is the most watched sporting event in the world. It comes in fourth place, after the Rugby World Cup and Football Work Cup, as well as the Olympics.

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LED lighting is the best choice for cricket ground lighting. LED lighting is superior to metal halide and mercury as well as halogen. LED lighting is also more efficient and brighter than traditional lighting. LED lighting is durable. Because it provides perfect lighting for players and spectators during matches, LED cricket stadium lighting is highly in demand. The lighting must be provided for the entire area of the cricket stadium’s circular turf. For proper illumination, high-powered LED lights must be used. They travel long distances and cover the whole stadium.

VKS Lighting is a well-respected company in the field of cricket stadium LED lighting. The company offers only the most reliable and affordable LED lighting solutions.

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Lighting Requirements for Cricket Field Lighting


For cricket stadiums, LED lighting must have a minimum CRI of 90 to ensure a clear color conversion and relative color. The camera can capture color harmony with no distortion if the color rendering index is at least 90. Intelligent effect control ensures that LED lighting can produce 4K developments. This is critical for TV broadcasting. This is why many cricket stadiums have switched to LED lighting. Low light overflow rates are essential. For cricket players to do their best, the trajectory of the ball must be covered by the propagation vertical and horizontal light. Below are some requirements for good cricket ground lighting.


Brightness Requirement (Lux Level)

For mild competition between team members, 250-350lux should be sufficient. This level is acceptable for practice and recreational cricket pitches. Professional matches should have a lux level of 500-750. For vigorous movement, a higher level of brightness is necessary. High intensity lighting only enhances the performance of cricket players. It makes them feel more energetic. A higher level of lighting is needed if the stadium hosts an international tournament. Clearer photos and videos are required for broadcasting around the world.

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The Cricket Field’s Total Lighting

The field’s normal radius is around 70 meters. The area is approximately 15,400m2. If it’s a professional match, then 750lux lumens would be needed. Multiplying 15,400 by 750lux will give you the total lumens required. This would give you 11,550,000 lumens. To determine the minimum power needed by the cricket stadium, you can multiply the watt by the lumen.


Things to consider when designing the lighting for a cricket field


The design of cricket grounds usually includes either a 6 pole or a minimum of a 4 pole design. When televised play takes place, 6 pole designs are more frequent. A better spill lighting system might be needed. When lighting a cricket field, it is important to consider the boundaries and play area. To improve lighting on a cricket ground, it is necessary to conduct a photometric analysis. VKS Lighting, an LED lighting company with extensive experience in various sports such as lighting cricket stadiums, is a reliable partner. When designing lighting for a cricket stadium, you should consider the following.

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Lux Level Distribution

Lux level distribution is one of the most important aspects to consider. For professional sports fields that host international matches, it should be between 2,000 to 3,000. The distribution of Lux levels ensures that the stadium’s brightness levels are not affected. When comparing various options, it is important to consider the luminance efficiency. LED lights offer significant energy savings. The LED lights also feature advanced chips that improve focus lighting. VKS Lighting also performs optic adjustment to ensure sufficient lighting on the cricket field.

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Heat dissipation

Outdoor and indoor cricket pitches require LED lights to ensure heat dissipation. Indoor cricket grounds need a heat dissipation system that is efficient as heat can easily build up in the ceiling. Heat can also build up during lighting turns on. The LED lighting fixtures could be damaged if the temperature is too high. VKS Lighting offers high-end LED solutions that use heat management systems. With the right heat dissipation systems, LED lights can be maintained and replaced at a fraction of the cost.


Anti-glare and flicker-free lighting

It is essential that the LED lights used in international cricket tournaments are of the highest quality. Flicker-free illumination is one of the most important aspects to consider when designing LED lights that will be used on cricket fields. A flicker-free illumination will allow both slow- and fast-paced cameras to capture all the details in perfect lighting. Any changes in lumin would therefore be negligible. Anti-glare is vital because it reduces the dazzling effect that the sun has on the spectators and players. It helps to minimize light pollution and spillage.


Illumination Uniformity

Lighting uniformity is another important aspect to consider when designing LED lighting. It is important that there should not be any area of the cricket field that is too bright or too dark. It will only be uncomfortable for the eyes. It is not desirable for lights to suddenly change from bright to dim. VKS Lighting uses high-quality optics that improve the uniformity value. This is consistent with industry standards. Anti-glare optics are used to make it easier for players to see all of the field and perform at their best. It is important to ensure uniform lighting throughout the stadium as thousands of spectators watch cricket. Low-glare lighting is easier on the eyes and allows spectators to see clearly.


Modular Design

Modular design is the next thing to consider. It is essential that the design be modular, as there are always risks of an unexpected natural disaster or a bad wire connection. This will allow the LED light to be replaced easily. This will result in lower repair and maintenance costs, as well as time savings that could be used to fix the fixtures.

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How to choose the best LED light for cricket field


There are many options for LED lights, and newer models are appearing every day. It can be hard to find the right LED light for your cricket field. It can be hard to tell if the lights will work well until they are installed. Many people find it difficult to select the best LED lights for a cricket ground. These tips will assist you in choosing the right LED lights for your cricket stadium.

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Quality is your goal

Quality should not be compromised. Quality is not something to be compromised on, no matter how much it costs. LED lights of high quality provide sufficient brightness and cool temperatures for the cricket field. VKS Lighting offers high-quality LED lights with low failure rates.


Heat Dissipation & Glare Rating

Make sure you choose LED lights with a heat dissipation system. Pure aluminum is well-known for its excellent ventilation properties. Advanced aluminum, on the other side, has the highest conductivity rate. The glare rating is also important. For visual comfort, the right amount is needed.


Beam Angle

Beam angle is an important consideration. The beam angle is crucial because it affects the light’s dispersion on the field. The beam angle can affect light uniformity. If it is too wide, the light frequency will be too high. It is important to consider the beam angles when lighting the stadium or cricket field.


Waterproof Lighting

Unpredictability is a hallmark of nature. It is impossible to predict when it will rain. It is therefore essential that the LED lighting be waterproof. Waterproof lighting is more efficient and has a longer lifespan. Waterproof LED lighting can withstand moisture and water. They excel in extreme weather conditions and are well-known for their outstanding performance.

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Post time: Mar-31-2023